
[퍼옴] USMLE에서 통하는 답 찍는 방법

알 수 없는 사용자 2010. 7. 3. 21:42

인터넷을 뒤지다 우연히 발견한 파일...그 내용을 살펴보다...찍는 방법이 나오는 것이 아닌가....

아트메드 선생님의 조언에 따라 사심없이 100문제를 찍을 묘수가 바로 이것이 아닌가 싶네요^^;;

1. Long correct answer: correct answer is longer, more specific, or more complete than other options

    In this item, Option C is longer than the other options; it is also the only double option. Item writers tend to pay more attention to the correct answer than to the distractors. Because you are teachers, you write long correct answers that include additional instructional material, parenthetical information, caveats, etc. Sometimes this can be quite extreme: the correct answer is a paragraph in length and the
distractors are single words.

Secondary gain is
A. synonymous with malingering
B. a frequent problem in obsessive-compulsive disorder
C. a complication of a variety of illnesses and tends to prolong many of them
D. never seen in organic brain damage

2. Word repeats: a word or phrase is included in the stem and in the correct answer

This item uses the word “unreal” in the stem, and “derealization” is the correct answer. Sometimes, a word is repeated only in a metaphorical sense, eg, a stem mentioning bone pain, with the correct answer beginning with the prefix “osteo-”.

A 58-year-old man with a history of heavy alcohol use and previous psychiatric hospitalization is confused and agitated. He speaks of experiencing the world as unreal. This symptom is called
A. depersonalization
B. derailment
C. derealization
D. focal memory deficit
E. signal anxiety

3. Absolute terms: terms such as “always” or “never” are used in options

In this item, Options A, B, and E contain terms that are less absolute than those in Options C and D. The testwise student will eliminate Options C and D as possibilities because they are less likely to be true than something stated less absolutely. Note that this flaw would not arise if the stem was focused and the options were short; it arises only when verbs are included in the options rather than in the lead-in.

In patients with advanced dementia, Alzheimer’s type, the memory defect
A. can be treated adequately with phosphatidylcholine (lecithin)
B. could be a sequela of early parkinsonism
C. is never seen in patients with neurofibrillary tangles at autopsy
D. is never severe
E. possibly involves the cholinergic system

4. Logical cues: a subset of the options are collectively exhaustive

In this item, Options A, B, and C include all possibilities. The testwise student knows that A, B, or C must be correct, whereas the non-testwise student spends time considering D and E. Often, the item writers add D and E only because they want to list five options. In these situations, the item writer may not have paid much attention to the merits of options D and E; sometimes, they are partially correct and confusing because they cannot be rank-ordered on the same dimension as Options A, B, and C. This flaw is commonly seen in items with options such as “Increases,” “Decreases,” and “Remains the same.”

Crime is
A. equally distributed among the social classes
B. overrepresented among the poor
C. overrepresented among the middle class and rich
D. primarily an indication of psychosexual
E. reaching a plateau of tolerability for the nation

5. Grammatical cues: one or more distractors don’t follow grammatically from the stem

Because an item writer tends to pay more attention to the correct answer than to the distractors, grammatical errors are more likely to occur in the distractors. In this example, testwise students would eliminate A and C as options because they do not follow grammatically or logically from the stem. Testwise students then have to choose only between B, D, and E.

A 60-year-old man is brought to the emergency department by the police, who found him lying unconscious on the sidewalk. After ascertaining that the airway is open, the first step in management should be intravenous administration of
A. examination of cerebrospinal fluid
B. glucose with vitamin B1 (thiamine)
C. CT scan of the head
D. phenytoin
E. diazepam

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