"Teach the Controversy" is the name of a Discovery Institute campaign to promote a variant of traditional creationism, intelligent design, while attempting to discredit evolution in United States public high school science courses.[1][2][3][4][5][6] The central claim the Discovery Institute makes with 'Teach the Controversy' is that fairness and equal time requires educating students with a 'critical analysis of evolution'[7] where "the full range of scientific views",[8] evolution's "unresolved issues", and the "scientific weaknesses of evolutionary theory"[9] will be presented and evaluated alongside intelligent design concepts like irreducible complexity[10] presented as a scientific argument against evolution through oblique references to books by design proponents listed in the bibliography of the Institute-proposed "Critical Analysis of Evolution" lesson plans.
fair할 만큼 동등한 위치에 있지도 않고, 따라서 equal한 시간을 투자할 필요도 없는 제재에 시간을 쏟게 하는 것은 전혀 아이들의 지적 능력 증진에 도움이 되지 않을 뿐만 아니라 잠재력에도 해를 끼치는 일이다.
'메모' 카테고리의 다른 글
김충렬 박사의 '치유상담' (0) | 2013.11.26 |
댓글과 리플 (0) | 2013.11.19 |
Reference 확인이 필요하긴 하지만 (0) | 2012.12.15 |
요청편지 전개 양식 (0) | 2012.12.14 |
엑셀 이상 이하 구하기 (0) | 2012.10.08 |